Fast To Heal | Finding Nutritional PEACE
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Grey Limbo
If you are struggling with your health, your body simply isn't aligned with your environment... let's fix that!
I'm Shana Hussin, RDN, and I specialize in helping you reclaim your metabolic health.
The conventional weight loss and big food industries have us fooled into thinking eating less and moving more will help us overcome being sick and fat. This is outdated and misguiding.
I teach you exactly HOW to change your food and lighting environments, so your body can thrive!

By the time people find me, I am often their last hope of recovering their metabolic health.

I get it, and I know exactly why!

Over time, our bodies have become misaligned, stressed, damaged, and confused, primarily due to poor nutrition, dysregulated circadian health, and junky lighting environments.

I help you fix these issues with simple and often FREE strategies within a matter of weeks to months so you can overcome:

  • Obesity and Weight Cycling

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

  • Adrenal Fatigue and Cortisol Issues

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Blood Sugar Instability

Your Body is NOT Broken, Your Environment IS!

Hi There!

I'm an Integrative Dietitian, Author, Podcast Host, and Insulin/Weight Loss Expert

I have worked in the nutrition field for over 20 years. Like most dietitians, I recommended strategies that failed my clients long-term for most of my professional career. In recent years, I have found that most conventional nutrition guidelines do little to heal underlying hormonal drivers of chronic illness. 


I cut through the noise and teach you applicable strategies that you can apply to any lifestyle on any given day. I teach you how to implement a low-insulin lifestyle, the key to staying free of chronic illness and blood sugar issues.


You deserve to know your degree of insulin resistance, how to test for it, and how to start reversing it RIGHT NOW!


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Lisa Fischer

Lisa Fischer Said podcast


Michelle Hurn, RD

Author of 

The Dietitian's Dilemma


Jen Smiley

Wake Up and Read The Labels! Podcast



with Industry Leaders

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Transformation Tuesday

February 2021



Article Contribution

February 2021




August 2020



Article Contribution

March 2021




and Other Media


There Are Many Ways I Can Help!
I offer many free resources, a best-selling book, self-paced courses, optional metabolic testing, and mini follow-up sessions for my students!
I also have a PACKED PODCAST!

In less than five decades, a majority of Americans have grown sick and fat! Most try, but few succeed with permanent weight loss or healing, despite following standard guidelines to eat less, lower fat intake, and move more.


What is going on?


The truth is, we have been taught nutrition and lifestyle concepts that do little to promote overall wellness. In fact, they do just the opposite. Intermittent fasting, along with focusing on foods that provide satiety, heal underlying hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance.


Insulin resistance is at the root cause of much chronic disease. My teachings center around how to become insulin sensitive again, by using natural therapies that are the oldest known to man! 

You don't need to... 

  • Count calories 

  • Take endless supplements

  • Eat special or weird foods​​


You can and will find nutritional PEACE by learning hormonal balance and reversing insulin resistance.

“In October 2019 I started working with Shana and have had tremendous success. I have learned the truth about WHY I couldn't keep the weight off...”

- Laurie

“Truly, I feel like I met my goals AND THEN SOME by day 2 [of the program]. Fasting was the missing link I needed. [...] I don't remember ever feeling this good!”

- Jeni

“My husband told me it was time to contact Shana. That was the best decision I could have made. [...] This way of life has been a game changer for me.”

- Heather

Get My Best Selling Book Today!

Fast To Heal

A 5-Step Guide To Achieving Nutritional PEACE


After two decades of modest long-term weight loss and overall progress with clients, I knew there had to be better approaches to help people heal, and lose weight for good. 


My book, Fast To Heal, is available as a digital download, and reveals a fresh breath of nutritional truth, giving both patient and practitioner the confidence to recover health.


The Paperback and Kindle versions may be purchased on Amazon. Read the amazing reviews or buy the paperback HERE!

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Image by Gian Cescon

I offer weekly newsletter updates, an inspiring podcast, a quick metabolic assessment, starting guides, and a complete protein guide. My mission is to get sound nutritional concepts out to as many as possible, so I offer many valuable resources to you FOR FREE!


Grab my 28-day healing task calendar and reversing insulin resistance starting guide to learn more about what I teach. I outline simple strategies for you to implement TODAY!


  • 28-Day Hormone Healing Task Calendar

  • Hormone Healing Starting Guide

Don't miss my FREEBIES!

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